17 Oct 2011

On Saturday the Northern Club travelled to Paraparaumu Beach bowling club to again do battle in the Annual Bi Series.
After a wet trip down and following a very nice morning tea, there was a rain delay of about half an hour before the sun came out.
There were a few puddles to be swept off the greens before the games commenced.
The rain stayed away for the rest of the day and the sun was a constant companion.
A very nice lunch was enjoyed by the Northern Visitors before the afternoon’s two rounds.
After afternoon tea, the result of the competition was announced with the Northern club once again being the victors.
It was probably a good thing that Northern did win as we forgot to take the Trophy down to Paraparaumu with us.
Chrissie did point out( jokingly, I think) in her thank you speech, that the oversight could probably be justified on the basis that having won the trophy on the last 3 occasions, perhaps we thought we were entitled to retain it.
(The consensus on the bus was that “They who shall remain nameless” did not want to dust and polish it.)
This oversight was deliberated on and dealt to in the form of a fine imposed on the person/persons deemed responsible by the” Northern Bus Fines Committee”.
It was with regret that we were also advised that the sponsor for the last 10 years has advised the Paraparaumu Beach and Northern Clubs that they would no longer be sponsoring this event.
Both Clubs were unanimous in their thanks to the sponsor for the last 10 years of sponsorship.
Both Clubs were also unanimous that it would be a tremendous loss if the relationship and competition between Paraparaumu Beach and Northern was to cease and consequently resolved to hold discussions on ways to continue the series on into the future.
For those who are interested, the final scores were Northern 51 points Paraparaumu Beach 37.
I was asked if once again. Did the ladies carry the men, as they had on other occasions? An interesting question! I will let you decide. Ask around.
Ray, the bus driver for the last 10 years, was kind enough to “Stop the Bus” at Waikanae on the way home to enable those who were interested to watch the Caufield Cup.

A close measure at the Paraparaumu Beach Club. Does anyone want to guess from what year?

This weekend is Labour Weekend and the Centre is holding their mixed 2 x 4 x 2 tournament on the Northern greens. Disappointingly there are only 24 teams participating.
There should still be some good bowls to be seen so why not pop down over the tournament and support the players and the club.
Don’t forget that on Monday we have the

MARK SAMPSON (Professionals)

Any Gender Open Pairs

9.30am Start.
Conditions of play and entry sheet are on the Notice Board.

I hope to see you there! It would be nice to have a couple of full greens.

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