16 Sept 2013

Update 16th September  2013.

Saturday was the opening of the 2013 – 2014 season.
After a welcome and the rolling up of the first bowl of the season by our club Patron, Noeleen, play commenced for the Herbert plate.
This Progressive Tournament has been weather affected more than most in the last couple of seasons so it was sort of a surprise, given the forecast, that we were able to play for the plate in what was pretty good weather on green 2 which to me, appeared to run nicely for the first use of the season. The winner of the Herbert Plate was Doug Hayward our Club Captain. Well done Doug.

With all the smart phones and camera’s around these days, if you are at a tournament or a game, the likelihood is that you may see an opportunity to take a candid picture that is worth sharing with others in the club. Please take it and put it up on our Facebook page or if you prefer, send it to me and I will put it in the Blog or on Facebook for you. You can send it to my email address or to my mobile phone. The number is in the Club Program booklet.

Bowling On, 16th September.

Bowling Clubs knew the season was upon us at the weekend when many celebrated opening to the accompaniment of the usual biting breeze that only the Manawatu can produce.

It will be a busy season at Centre level with Open tournaments restored although champion of champion events will still be the pathway to regional and National finals. Many of our competitive bowlers felt short changed with the absence of Open events last season so hopefully they will provide enough entries to justify the restoration of these tournaments.

Whether running a Centre Open Singles in mid October is wise planning is another thing. We usually strike our worst weather then, greens have not reached their best and players are likely to be short on match play. Playing the Blue riband event so early may be folly.

Another major change this season sees Manawatu joining Wanganui for a combined premiere interclub of four teams each. Something had to be done at that level and I welcome the initiative. In the women's competition there had only been three teams for several years and the men only fronted with four clubs. Johnston Park has stepped up to be the fourth women's team although there is a possibility they may yet have to combine with another Club to select  a competitive seven players.

Whether women will enjoy the elongated competition and travel commitment as much as the men I am guarded on. It was only two years ago there were howls of protest from some over extending the competition to two days.

• There are usually many rumours about player movements during the off season and among those I have heard but not substantiated are;
- Manawatu singles exponent Ross Ellery is taking a total break from the game to concentrate on family.
- Sharon Sims is having a break from bowls altogether and I note she has no administration roles in the Centre or her Northern Club.
- Feona Sayles now has involvement with Bowls NZ and will not be playing as often
- One I'm delighted to confirm is that current Manawatu singles champion Stephen Love has joined Johnston Park. Stephen was very competitive at the Professional Bowlers Association singles in Invercargill recently until a wonky knee forced him to withdraw from the semi-final and forfeit the chance of a trip to England.
- Craig Gush is heading to Fiji with his job. With his ability don't be surprised to see him bob up playing bowls for the country at Commonwealth games or the like. There's a challenge for you Craig.
- Promising women's bowler Tania MacKay is back after a year's absence playing at Johnston Park.
- Current Manawatu singles champion Lyn Jensen won't get in much play at all this season as she abandons her husband and concentrates on her other role of Inner Wheel NZ President.

• Bowls and in particular the Hokowhitu Club lost a gem of a man with the recent  passing of Don McPhee. Don had been Club President, greenkeeper and I will remember him best for his coaching. I often turned up to play at Hokowhitu to find Don tutoring a group of newer bowlers. Don always took the initiative to involve those bowlers. He was no mean bowler himself and was good enough to earn a Centre title leading for Scruff Gordon's four in the champion of champions in the 2001-02 season. I lead against him in that final and we had a torrid scrap. As an aside Scruff's performance at skip that day rank's as one of the finest I've seen.

Don had many and varied interests, a piper, clansman and Rugby refereeing and never lacked an opinion on sport. He will be missed.

• I won't be on the greens much myself before Christmas. I recently had a hiatus hernia repaired which will keep me quiet for awhile and I will then be having a knee tidied up.

 To make this column relevant I need support from Clubs so please email news to tony.jensen@aon.com or txt me on 021491808 as a passing comment if you see me at a club will likely get lost.

I was disappointed last season when I asked for all Division One interclub teams so I could do a preview and received only one. So as soon as you select let me know. Good bowling.


Thanks Tony

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