31 Oct 2008
Northern News - 31 Oct 08
Well the season is really in full swing with a very busy 2 months between now and Christmas. Recently we hosted Paraparaumu for our yearly challenge fixture and once again we were successful in winning the $1000 prize.
Well done to all who played so well, or who helped in any way to make this a memorable day.
Special thanks to Carol and her crew in the kitchen, and to Mike for the magnificent state of the greens.
The Board are currently in negotiations with the Taranaki Savings Bank regarding possible sponsorship and an offer to club members who open new accounts which will benefit both you and the club. More details shortly.
Thanks buddies for spreading the news – you are all helping to ensure that our members are kept as fully informed as possible.
Good bowling
Match Committee
This coming weekend sees the start of the Community Trust Triples and Pairs.
For those not taking part, there will be a roll up on Saturday at the club commencing at 1pm. Dave Smith has offered to organise this and he will advise the format and the entry fee on the day. It will probably be something like a $1 in and the pool will be paid out to the participants on the day. Please come along and keep Dave company. Names in by 12.30pm please.
Steve's Bulk Barn - Inhouse- 8 Nov
On November the 8th we have scheduled Steve's Bulk Barn – In House event beginning at 1.00pm. This will be either Pairs or Triples depending on the numbers and there will be a $5 entry fee each. Names in by noon please.
Julia Wallace Retirement Village Ladies Gala Day - 10 Nov
On Monday the 10th of November there is the Julia Wallace Retirement Village Ladies Gala Day Triples beginning at 9.30am. Ladies, get your names in for this tournament.
Twilight Tournaments - 20 Nov & 4 Dec
This season we are attempting to organise a couple of twilight tournaments. The hope is to run each one over two nights, consisting of two games a night starting at 5.30pm and ending around 7.30pm.
The first of these is scheduled for Thursday the 20th of November with the second night being on Thursday the 4th of December.
The format will be any gender pairs and the entry fee will be only $5 each. See the entry form on the Notice Board for more information. Teams in by Wednesday the 19th, 5pm please.
If you are having trouble finding a partner then put your name on the list on the board as being available so we can match you up with someone if possible.
The National Mixed Pairs 2x4x2
The Event scheduled for Labour Weekend was eventually cancelled because of the weather. This Event has been rescheduled to be held on the 22nd and 23rd of November.
The Harris Meats In House roll up on the 22nd will have to be rescheduled to another date - to be advised.
The 23rd is currently in the program as a Club Championship reserve day. This may be affected by the Centre event and I am planning to use this day for the 10 year and under men’s Singles and Pairs which will not have been able to be run on the 15th and 16th of November as scheduled due to 3 of the participants being selected to represent the Centre in the Arnott & Duckett in New Plymouth on those days. Congratulations to Cliff, Harold and Martin as well as to Grant, Tom, Keith, Stephen and Ray for their selections in these rep teams.
The Ladies 10 year and under are not affected. Keep a watch on the notice board as it may be possible to fit in a Club roll up on the 15th for those of us who are left.
Club Champs.
Entries are on the notice board for the Ladies Senior Fours and the Men’s Senior Singles. Ladies, get your teams together and Men, put your names on the board. The more the merrier!
Interclub starts on the 29th so it is going to be a busy month of bowls.
27 Oct 2008
Results -Sun 27 Oct 08
Finally the rain stopped long enough for some of the braver bowlers to venture out on the green. 3 bowl pairs were the flavour, keeping warm and out of the wind was also on the menu.
Winners Des and Chris
2nd Terry and Anna
3rd Doug and John Procter.
Well done to all the teams who entered and braved the wind and cold conditions.
Thanks also to Steve's Bulk Bin our sponsors.
Next weekend
The community Trust ladies and mens Pairs and Triples get underway.
CT Triples on Sat 1 Nov.
CT Pairs on Sun 2 Nov.
Draws should be out this week.
Click here for Paraparaumu Vs Northern Photos
24 Oct 2008
Sports team of the year Finalists
Warmest congratulations to our Women’s second division interclub team (winners of the NZ title last season) for making the finals of the Manawatu Sports Team of the Year. Well done to
19 Oct 2008
Results 19 Oct 08
The qualifying round was played. Windy as usual... But the sun was shining most of the day. Chris Quinn and Lynlea Rodgers, Joy Pearce and Elaine McQuarters Qualified. They will go on to play the final.
Grandmas Roast club roll-up
A good number turned out to play for Grandmas roast.
The winners were Terry J, Tex, Maurice A. 3 wins.
Second went to Murray W, Jean Grant and Val K. 2 wins 21 ends.
Third was Viv, Peter D and Jan Bailey. 2 wins 20 ends.
Great to see everyone on the greens..
Next weekend
The club is hosting the National Mixed Pairs 2x4x2. 9.00am Start. Come down to the club and watch a few games. There are quite a few teams entered from Northern. Good luck to you all.
Labour Day - Mon 27 October
Steve's Bulk Bin Open 3 bowl pairs
Start 10.00am.
Entry on the board.
18 Oct 2008
Paraparaumu Vs Northern 18 Oct 08
The usual Palmerston north wind playing havoc with the bowls but some great shots were witnessed.
First round: Northern ladies won 2 Paraparaumu won 4. Northern men won 8 Paraparaumu won 1
A great lunch was put on by the ladies in the kitchen then out to bowl the second round. Teams changed again and play got underway.
Second round: Northern ladies won 2 Paraparaumu won 4. Northern men won 4 Paraparaumu men 5.
Third round: Northern ladies won 1 Paraparaumu ladies won 3. Northern men won 7 Paraparaumu men won 2
Dave Smith was kept busy recording and umpiring, a great job, thanks Dave.
Over all Northern came out on top, 24 games to 19. Well done Northern. Thanks to Strategic Finance for sponsoring the tournament.
If you would like to view the album please click on the picture above.
16 Oct 2008
Northern News 15 Oct 08
Last weekend 30 of our members enjoyed a great trip to Napier where we were well looked after by the Bowls Napier folk. Thanks to Skog and his team for arranging and organising this trip. Although the results didn’t count for a great deal it is pleasing to report that Northern were comprehensive winners. We look forward to their return visit next season.
Paraparaumu Visit.
We look forward to hosting our Kapiti Coast visitors this coming Saturday and ask that the Northern players be at the club by 8:30am to greet them. The first game is scheduled to kick off at 9:15am with lunch at approx 11:45am
Sunday 19th October tournament
this tournament which will begin at 1:00pm is sponsored by Steve’s Bulk Barn and offers very generous prizes - $180 of vouchers to the winning team (drawn triples), $120 for 2nd and $60 for third. Names in please by 12:30 Sunday.
This is advance notice of what should be the highlight of our tournaments for this season. Paul Darbyshire has arranged a very generous sponsorship deal for this 3 day open (any gender) triples tournament with prize money to the value of $8000. Well done Paul. This will be a very sought after tournament so keep your eyes open for entry details and sign up etc
A coaching session (or sessions) for new bowlers, or for those seeking some extra help is currently being organised and you will be advised of the date in due course.
Wednesday Aggregate
This began yesterday with a very pleasing turnout of 37 players. This is a regular weekly event – names in by 12:30 please.
Good Bowling
12 Oct 2008
Results -11 & 12 Oct 08
With 30 members away in Napier for the weekend we still had a roll up at the club on Saturday 11th and had a great turn up of 28 members. Each player put in $1 each and 2 games of pairs were played with leads swapping around for the second game.
Napier Visit.
With a quick text I found out the team who traveled to Napier won!
Well done to all those who traveled and played. I am sure you all had a great time.
Next weekend
Paraparumu visit on Sat 18th.
Names for those selected to play are up on the board. For those not playing, come down to the club, give a hand, and support the players. It promises to be a great day.
Grandma's Roast Sun 19th Oct
Please put your names up on the board to play in this inhouse drawn triples. Lets fill the greens! If the weather is anything like it was this weekend it should be great for bowling.
6 Oct 2008
Upcoming, 8 -19 October 2008
Start 1.15 pm
Names on the board by 12.30 please
Friday 10 Oct - Entries for Community trust Triples and Pairs.
Please get these into Chris with payment.
Sat 11 & Sun 12 Oct - Visit to Bowls Napier
The Transport will leave the Club at 7.45 am.
$100 ea.
For those who have been selected to play take your bowling gear, whites and any other stuff you may require.. Don't forget a full set of bowls!
Sat 11 Oct - Club Roll-up
For those not traveling to Napier there is a club rollup organised. Names in by 12.30pm start 1.00pm
Wednesday 15th Midweek Aggregate
Start 1.15 pm
Names on the board by 12.30 please
Saturday 18th Oct - Bi series Vs Paraparaumu @ Northern
For those who are not selected some help may be required in the kitchen and behind the bar.
For those selected to play, we won it last year lets keep the trophy this year.
Sunday 19th Oct - 10yr and Under Reserve Day
Sunday 19th Oct - Grandma's Roast Drawn Triples
Names up on Board please.
10.00am Start
Air NZ Cup Rugby Competition
In the end it was Cossie who came out on top!
The final results.
First Ray Costello
Second equal Pat Baker and Bill Anderson.
Thanks to Tom Palmer. Here are the certificates..

5 Oct 2008
Results - Sun 5 Oct 08
The rain got the better of the first day of qualifying. Snorkels and flippers would have been needed to play on the water covered greens..
Next Saturday 11 October
A club roll-up is planned for those not traveling to Napier.
An entry form is on the board.
Names in by 12.30pm Saturday.
Start 1.00pm.
Teams will be drawn.
Cost ?
Community Trust Pairs and Triples
Entry forms must be in by Fri 10 Oct with payment. Please pass them on the Chris or drop them in the club office box.
4 Oct 2008
Results Sat 4 Oct 08
It wasn't just the opposition the bowlers had to contend with but the very strong winds. The new club flag managed to hold up to the winds as did the bowlers.
8 men and 8 women competed to qualify for the final knockout rounds that will be played on Sat 15 Nov.
The ladies who qualified for the next round are;
Pat Baker, Kay Hammond, Chris Quinn and Sue Way.
The Men who qualified for the next round are;
Martin Hammond, Bill Anderson, Bob Norris, John Hayes and Harold Bailey.
Thanks to all the markers who braved the winds and helped out for the day. Also thanks to Dave Smith for being the match controller and umpire.