22 Mar 2009

Results - 22 March 09

Roll-up Saturday
28 turned up to enjoy lovely sunny autumn afternoon playing bowls in the sun.
Winers were Tom & Harold
Second was Nita and Dave C
Well done to everyone

Champion of Champions Finals Day
A good number turned up to support the club teams on Sunday. Senior mens pairs, 10yr & under Ladies pairs, Intermediate mens Triples, Senior mens fours all made the finals.

Chris and Lynlea played the 10 yr & under pairs and won it again for the second year in a row and the 3rd time in 4 years. Northern have won this for the last four years. Great effort. Congratulations Chris and Lynlea!

Terry and Ray L played Bulls in the Senior mens pairs and won comfortably. Well done.

The senior Mens 4s, Ray L, Terry, Peter L & Colin, also managed to come away with the win against Terrace End to finish off Northerns day well. The game was one fit for a final with two ends to go it was all even.

An extra big congratulations go to Peter as this is his 5th Centre title so now qualifies for his gold star. Ray lovie ended the day with his 10th Centre title and adds a Bar to his gold star. Terry managed to get his 5th last weekend in the singles so has now picked up an additional 2 titles.

Congratulations to all teams who made the Champion of Champion Events thank you for representing the Club.

Club Working Bee - Sunday
Thanks to everyone who turned up to give the club rooms and grounds a good spruce up. Some of you may have already noticed Toms efforts in the carpark fixing the potholes and putting in the new curbing. Thanks heaps to everyone for their effort.

With the National Intercentre and Interclub event being hosted at the club in less than 2 weeks there are always other things that could be done, if you didn't manage to get down and help out I'm sure there will be a chance to help. The club will also need help in the kitchen, setting up greens, markers etc from Thursday 2 April - Sunday 5 April so keep your eye on the board and help out where you can. we have 3 teams playing in the Interclub finals 2nd & 3rd with a few members in the Centre teams playing 4th & 5th. So while helping out at the club at these times you can also watch some great bowls and get behind the clubs teams.

We are a great club, lets show the rest of NZ how proud we are of Northern!

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