14 Mar 2010

Results 14 March 2010

Champion of Champion 4s
Saturday saw the teams who won the Chapionship 4s at  the club go on the the Champion of Champions.
The ladies 4s got to the semi fianls then had a tough game against Bulls. Bulls progressed tho the final and eventually lost to Terrace End. Bad luck Feona, Anna, Jacinta and Julianne.
The Intermediate Men won all their games on Saturday and played the final against Johnson Park. They all played well, the took control early on in the game and won the game without having to play the last end. Well done to John H, Harold, Lyndsay and Noel H.
The senior Men won all their games on Saturday. the highlight being the game against the 4 some from Palmerston North. They won this easily and went on to play a tough game against the Wynks team from Takaro. Again it was the 4 from Northern who came out on top. Sunday saw a change in the team as Philip was unable to play. Grant stepped up and Skog stepped in as Skip. They played Foxton and Beach. Northern took control early and won earning an early beer. Well done to Philip (Grant Substituted in the final), Skog, Ben and Derek.
Another good weekend for Northen.

Next week sees the Champion of Champion Singles. Good luck to the Doug, Max, Feona and Sue W next weekend.

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