3 Nov 2012

Update 3rd November.

Corner to Corner Competition.

Can it get any better!! You have a chance to help with MIB (or if you are a social member play in it!). You have a chance to win some dollars with target bowls on a Friday (social and players). But now, wait, there is MORE you also have the chance to win a bottle of whiskey each week, or second place is bottle of wine and have the opportunity to win the club $3000!!!!  This competition is open to social members and players. It starts this Thursday 8th – so get your name in on the sign-up sheet real soon. You can put your name in on the day – but best to sign up before. The competition will start 5.30, so if you want to sign up on the night please do so by 5.00pm. If you are not able to get down to the Club to sign up please email Feona onFeona.Sayles@xtra.co.nz

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