28 Dec 2008
Results - 27 Dec 08
A full green & sunshine a beautiful morning to play bowls. The usual wind making things a little tricky and the pace of the green speeding up as the morning passed. 16 teams from 5 clubs took part.
1st - Grant & Anna, Northern
2nd - Barry W & Coral, Te Kawa
3rd - John Didham, Palmerston North
Metlife Care 3 bowl pairs (pm)
With 18 teams 2 greens were used. Many of the teams from the morning stayed on with only a few only playing the morning, these teams were replaced by other teams playing only the afternoon. The sun stayed shining and the greens played well.
1st Des & Anna, Northern
2nd Dave & Joan, Northern
3rd Barry W & Coral, Te Kawa
New years Eve Roll-up
The is still a little time for you to get you name up on the board for a roll-up on New Years Eve.
CT Fours and Singles
Entries and entry fee to Chris by Fri 9th Jan 09.
21 Dec 2008
Notices - 21 Dec 08
Upcoming events
27 Dec - am only Metlife Care Mixed Pairs - 2x4x2
27 Dec- pm only Metlife Care Mixed Pairs - 3 x 3 bowl
New Years Eve there will be a roll up starting 4.30pm or so in the afternoon. See white board in the Club for details and entries.
Sat 3rd Jan - Harris Meats In House Drawn Tournament 1pm start. Names in by Noon. $5 entry.
Sun 4th Jan - Ladies Marj Howell Pairs (Drawn)
Results - 21 Dec 08
This was played at Palmerston North. Chris & Lynlea played Sheryn & Fran from Terrace End. The game was tight until the 16th end when Chris & Lynlea picked up a good four. Sheryn & fran replied with a 4 and a 5 on the next ends which made it very hard for Chris & Lynlea to catch up. Sheryn & Fran won the final.
Mens CT Triples
Tom Scruff & Barry made it to the final 4 and had to play Hokowhitu the end result was a win to Hokowhitu our boys got 3rd = . The eventual winners were Barry Wynks, Terry Curts & Laurie from Te Kawa.
Ladies Senior Pairs Qualifying
The first 2 games of qualifying were completed with the final round still to be finished as the heavens opened and the rain stopped play. Several teams have already qualified;
Joan & Sue M, Carol & Nita, Noeleen & Sandra.
Teams required to play the final round are;
Nacey B & Marleen play Joan & Sue M, and Elaine & Marion play Melva & Pat.
Mens 10yr & Under pairs
John H & Cliff had to play Paul & Neale in the final. John & Cliff were the eventual winners. Well done.
Mens Senior Pairs Qualifying
2 out of the 3 rounds were played before the rain stopped play.
Several teams have already qualified but with a round to go the teams are not yet finalised. so far the teams that have qualified are; Keith & Barry, Peter L & Cliff (subsituting for Steven), Scruff & Tom, Terry & Ray L. The next round is tentitvley booked for the 25 Jan but this is not confirmed. Watch the board.
Ladies Senior Singles Qualifying
With play starting late due to the rain play eventually got underway at 12.00. The players to go on to the knockout round are; Anna, Pat, Julianne, Feona, Kay, Sue M, Melva, Lynlea and Chris. Well done. The knockout rounds are to be played on the 21 Feb.
16 Dec 2008
Notice - 16 dec 08
At the Board executive meeting last night it was agreed that Northern will become a Mates In Bowls partnership club. Mates in Bowls in an initiative driven by Bowls New Zealand to encourage non bowlers to participate in a 4-6 week programme (one evening per week), that will provide coaching, playing and socialising.
The goal of Mates in Bowls is to encourage non bowlers to enjoy a fun team competition run over a series of evenings. The longer term goal naturally is to have players join the club but the emphasis in the short term is to give them an experience on the greens that is casual and fun.
Bowls New Zealand’s commitment to this programme is to provide advertising (they contact local businesses etc), signage and other assistance to help get the programme up and running. Although a lot of the organisation will be done by BNZ, our club will need to provide manpower and assistance during the course of the programme and to this extent we have decided to form a Mates In Bowls committee which will work with BNZ in establishing, setting up and running this bowls programme.
Chris Quinn, Paul Darbyshire and Doug Hayward have volunteered from the Board, and we would like 3 or 4 other club members to join us in this exciting initiative. If you have been considering taking an active part in a club activity but haven’t quite yet got there yet, or you think that this is a worthwhile venture then this could be just the thing for you. It will be a great way to promote bowls and further promote Northern. Please give this serious thought and reply to this e-mail if you are keen or would like further information. A reply before the end of this week would be appreciated.
Check out the Bowls NZ website at www.bowlsnz.co.nz for further information.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Doug Hayward
15 Dec 2008
Notice - 15 Dec 08
In the Senior Ladies Singles event scheduled to start on the 21st of Dec, if any of you who qualify for Post Section Play are also entered in the Nationals then please note that Post Section play for the event will be rescheduled to the 21st of Feb which is a Club Champs reserve day. If none of the qualifiers are going to the Nationals then the program will remain unchanged.
John Hayes
14 Dec 2008
Results - Sun 14 Dec
Thanks to the sponsor Kevin Cowen, everyone had a great day finished off with a lovely meal in good company. The day couldn't get much better, with the sun shining, greens running well and just a little wind to make things difficult.
1st Viv, Nancy & Bill K
2nd Barry, Paul & Gwen
3rd = Noeleen, Bill P & Jan B
3rd= John H & Sue W.
Check the posting below for some up and coming dates.
Not included are - two tournaments on 27 Dec - one in the morning 2x4x2 the other in the afternoon 3 bowl pairs. Entries on the board.
Sat 20 Dec
The final of the ladies CT pairs is being held at Palmerston North. Good Luck to Chris and Lynlea they are to play Terrace End. Start 9.00am
13 Dec 2008
Results - Sat 13 December
Tom and Ramon got to the finals but got beaten by Steven L and Terry from Te Kawa. This was Steven Love's 10th Centre title, well done to Tom and Ramon for getting so far. Next year!
Mens 10yr and under Qualifying rounds
The men to qualify were;
Bob N & Harold
John H & Cliff
Neale K & Paul
Good luck for the next rounds to be played Sat 20 Dec.
Saturday 13 December is not an unlucky day for the club!
Following in the foot steps of the Division 1 teams, both division 2 teams played their hearts out to make it 4 teams through to the Zone's! A big congratulations to the whole club! The managers, the supporters and there were many, and how the whole club has become one in the last few weeks. A fantastic effort by everyone! Thanks!
Sunday 14th Dec
For those traveling up to Dannevirke in the rep squads, good luck.
For those at home, the Christmas tournament - Starts 1.00pm.
9 Dec 2008
Notices - 9 Dec 08
Mens 10 yr & Under pairs
The qualifying rounds are to be played with the knock out rounds to be played on Sat 20th Dec
Interclub - Round 3
Division 2 men - Playing at Palmerston North
Division 2 ladies - Playing at Terrace End
Sun 14 Dec
Kevin Cowen Sponsored Christmas Tournament - Starts 1.00pm Entries close 6.30pm Friday names on the board please. $5 entry.
Thurs 18 Dec
Ladies visit to Levin - details on ladies notice board re leaving times and players.
Sat 20 Dec
Ladies Senior pairs start 9.00am - entries on board please Entries close Fri 19th Dec 6.30pm
Men 10 yr & under pairs - post selection play
Sat 21 Dec
Mens Senior pairs start 9.00am - entries on board please Entries Close Fri 19th Dec 6.30pm
Ladies Senior Singles Start 9.00am - entiers on board please Entries close Fri 19th Dec 6.30pm.
Dress Code - Reminder
“Regulation bowling attire must be worn in all Centre and Open Tournaments and Club Championships.” Regulation bowling attire is either Club Colours or Whites.
7 Dec 2008
Results - Sun 7 Dec 08
the semi final was between Viv's team and Feona's team. With the sun shining and very little wind it was a great day for a good tight tussle on the bowling green. Feona, Anna, Cinty and Julianne managed to edge ahead, keep their cool and win the game to play in the final against Sue M, Joan, Sue W and Melva. The final was started afte having lunch at the onther end of the green. The game was increadibly tight all the way through some good heads and the head always changing. On the last end it was anyones game with the score board showing 14 each. with the last bowl played the measure was extractd from the pocket to measure for the shot bowl. It was Sue M's bowl that had crept in for shot. Well done to Sue M team.
Mens Senior Singles
With all the byes got rid of in the first round everone was down to buisness. The final four being Colin Vs Terry and John P Vs Ray L. John and Rays game finished with Ray winning the tight game. Then it was time to wait for Colin and Terry's game to finish. The score was tight so with many ends it was a trip to the head to look at the position. in the end Terry won. the Final between Terry and Ray started at 5.30pm.
The game between Terry and Ray was very tight, played in near perfect conditions, till the score was 13 all, then Terry got ahead. The game was a great game to watch but few stayed late and watched till the final shot was played. Congratulations to Terry for winning the game. Thanks to all those who entered, maybe next year will be your turn. Some fantastic games were played and many could hae gone either way.
Bulls Christmas Hams
Scruff, Peter D, Lynlea and Chris ventured over to Bulls for their Christmas Hams tournament. Playing on the renovated number 1 green for the first time was not an easy challenge. They managed 3wins and a Draw along with 3 other teams. They got third and came away with a ham each. Great work. Nice to see teams going out to the smaller clubs!
6 Dec 2008
Results - Sat 6 Dec 08
A great day to be on the greens, sunshine, good company, it doesn't get much better.
Division 1 Men - 1st
Our men's team topped the division and had to play the final against Palmerston North. Stephen cleaned up fairly quickly in the singles playing steadily throughout. The pairs had a very close game on the 18th end they were 18 all. The Fours managed to edge ahead holding and good buffer of shots on the board. The fours went on to win and the Palmertson North pairs conceded as they couldn't beat Northern. Well Done Guys!
Division 1 Ladies - 1st
The A team took top honours with the B team just missing out on the final for 3rd. A fine effort girls. The A team had to go on to play Terrace End in the final. Feona didn't give up against Bev Budd but didn't manage to fend her off. The pairs and fours were well ahead and managed to keep going to both win their games comfortably. A fine effort! Well done.
Division 2 Men
Northern is one of 3 teams on 30 points but they are ahead on differential. The other two teams are Johnson Park and Takaro. There are two rounds to be played next weekend. They need all the Club support they can get so if you feel like watching bowls next weekend go down and cheer them on. They play at Palmerston North.
Division 2 Ladies
Northern picked up 5 of the 6 games today to edge ahead of Bulls. Northern are in top spot with two rounds to play. They hold 31 points with a diff of 97. Foxton & Beach and Bulls are close behind holding 28 points each, foxton +79, Bulls +56. The next 2 rounds will be played next Saturday at Terrace End. Again if you are not bowling it might be worth a trip to the bowling green of cheer on clubmates.
Division 3 Mens - 2nd
After topping the section convincingly they had to play a final against Terrace End. Unfortunately Terrace End won 2 out of the 3 games to win the division. Bad luck guys.
Division 4 Mens - 4th
Got 4th over all with Johnson Park winning this section.
Division 5 Men - 1st
The Northern team had to play off against Palmerston North. They won 2 out of the 3 games to win the division. Well done Martin, Bob, Dave C, Bill A, Paul, Keven M and Max. Not bad for a bunch of under 10yr players!
5 Dec 2008
Results - 4 Dec 08
Both nights were fantastic for bowling, fine weather and some sunshine with a cooling afternoon breeze. A great bunch of people turned up for a roll-up. Thanks to all the teams who entered.
The Winners of the Grandma's Roast Twilight tourney were Doug, Paul Darbyshire and Alan Croasdale. Paul was unable to play the 2nd night so Alan subbed for him.
Runners up were John Procter and John H.
The nextTwilight Tournament
John hopes to schedule another twilight tournament in January along the same lines so watch this space and the notice board if you missed out list time.
On This Weekend
Saturday - Interclub is on again look on the board for venues as all the divisions are at different clubs. Goodluck to everyone participating. Please someone from each team catch up with Sue at the Club Saturday evening with your results and they will get posted some time on Saturday evening.
Sunday - post section play for the Ladies 4’s and the Men’s Singles on Sunday. Good bowls to watch if people are not doing anything else.
Reminder - Names in by Friday next week for the Kevin Cowan sponsored Christmas Tournament on the 14th Dec - Also good luck to those who made the Rep teams for this day as they will be travelling to Dannevirke to play against Hawkes Bay.
30 Nov 2008
Results - 30 Nov 08
8 teams squared off to try and qualify for the final knockout rounds. The sun was shining on an almost perfect day for bowls. As the day went on the wind picked up and made the job even harder. Sue Meyers team of Joan, Sue W and Melva were the only team to win all their games to qualify. The other teams to qualify were Feona's team of Anna, Cinty & Julianne and Viv's team of Noleene, Carol and Nita. Well done to all the teams. A tough day on the bowling green and very tight competition. The next round will be played Sunday 7 Dec 9.00am Start.
Senior Mens Singles
With two full greens of men all trying to get into the knockout rounds the games were very competitive. Thanks to all the members who turned up to mark. The men who qualified and now go on to the knock out rounds are Colin, Martin, Tom P, John P, Ray L, Terry, Paul, Steven, Murry and Des. Good luck for the next rounds to be played Sunday 7 Dec 9.00am start
Round 2 Grandmas Roast - 4 Dec
The Second round for those who entered is being played Thursday 4 Dec. Everyone had fun the first evening so if you want to pop down the the bowling club and watch they kick off at 5.30pm.
Interclub - round 2 - 6 Dec
These are on again next weekend - Sat 6 Dec. Please see your team managers to see where you are playing and what time you start. Thanks to all the club members who were not playing but took tme out of their day on Saturday to mark. Thanks heaps!
Christmas Tournament - Sun 14 Dec
The entry sheet is on the notice board please put your names up. It'spromising to be a great day thanks to Kevin!
29 Nov 2008
Results - Day 1 Interclub
It was fantastic driving into the club at 6.00pm after a hard day out on the greens. Not a car park to be found, not even on the street... A real buzz in the club.. Isn't this how bowls should be?
Division 1 Ladies Northern A won 9/9
Round 1 - Northern A Vs Northern B Won 3,
Round 2 - Northern A Vs Johnson Park Won 3
Round 3 - Northern vs Hokowhitu Won 3
Division 1 Ladies Northern B won 5/9
Round 1 - Northern B Vs Northern A Lost 3
Round 2 - Northern B Vs Hokowhitu Won 3
Round 3 - Northern B Vs Terrace End Won 2 Lost 1
Division 1 Mens won 7/9
Round 1 - Northern Vs Te Kawa Won 2 Lost 1
Round 2 - Northern Vs Palmerston North won 2 Lost 1
Round 3 - Northern Vs Terrace End Won 3
Division 2 Womens won 6/9
Round 1 - Northern Vs Bulls Won 1 Lost 2
Round 2 - Northern Vs Palmerston North Won 3
Round 3 - Northern Vs Takaro Won 2 lost 1
Division 2 - Men won 7.5/9
Round 1 - Northern Vs Foxton & Beach Won 3
Round 2 - Northern Vs Ashhurst Won 3
Round 3 - Northern Vs Palmerston North Won 1 Drew 1 lost 1
Division 3 Men won 9/9
Round 1 - Northern Vs Palmerston North Won 3
Round 2 - Northern Vs Bulls Won 3
Round 3 - Northern Vs Hokowhitu Won 3
Division 4 Men won 3/9
Round 1 -Northern Vs Takaro Won 2 Lost 1
Round 2 - Northern Vs Palmerston North Lost 3
Round 3 - Northern Vs Hokowhitu Won 1 lost 2
Division 5 Men won 6/9
Round 1 - Northern Vs Woodville Won 2 Lost 1
Round 2 - Northern Vs Palmerston North Won 2 Lost 1
Round 3 - Northern Vs Johnson Park Won 2 Lost 1
Sorry I couldn't fit in all the scores. Thanks to everyone for passing on the results. Keep up the great bowls. Will post scores again next week.
Te Raki Cup Northern Vs Takaro
Played Thursday evening. 2 ladies and 3 mens teams competed against Takaro. The ladies won both their games and the men won 2/3. Thanks to those who took part. 4 out of 5 games.. pretty good!
28 Nov 2008
Results - JP Invitation Singles
Mae, Carol and Pat were the runners up in their sections. Sue won her section. Sue dipped out in the semi finals. Mae and Carol had to square off and it was Carol who came away with the win. Pat won her game against PN and had to go on to play Carol in the final of the plate round. Carol ended up winning the game to win the plate. Well done Carol a great day!
Goodluck to all teams playing in the interclub teams. Go out, enjoy yourself, have fun and do your best for the club! See you in the club house tomorrow after play.
27 Nov 2008
Notices - 27 Nov 08
Markers Required
On Sunday the 30th we have on both the Senior men’s singles and the Ladies Senior 4s. There will be two greens of Men playing singles and I still require markers. If you are not in any of these events, could you please consider making yourself available to mark? I have 7 markers at this point. I will need another 7 if possible. Thanks to those of you who have already volunteered.
With the Interclub being played at the Club on Saturday the 29th, Des is also looking for Markers for the Men’s and Ladies Singles, 6 in all. If you can help then put your name down or ring the club and we will put your name down for you if you are not going to be at the club before the weekend.
The Men’s 10 year and under pairs has been rescheduled for Saturday the 13th of December. Let’s hope we get a start this time.
There is an Entry Sheet up on the board with the details for your Christmas Tournament on Sunday the14th of December. Kevin Cowan is generously sponsoring this event. Thanks Kevin, your generosity is much appreciated by us all. There will be a worth while prize for the tournament winners on the day. You have to be in to win so put your name down. There will be a $5 entry fee to this tournament which will cover play, a ticket in a Ham raffle and a light meal. If your wife or partner wishes to attend you are welcome to put their name down as well. The cost for them will also be $5 and covers the raffle ticket and the meal. Entries for this will close on Friday the 12th at 6.30pm so we know how many we are catering for.
Don’t forget, on Thursday the 18th of December there will be a Ladies Visit to the Levin Club. Details on the blackboard in the ladies section
Other events coming up you might want to note in your diary and of course enter for are :-
Senior Men’s Pairs on the December 20th and 21st
Ladies Senior Pairs on the December 20th
Ladies Senior Singles on December 21st
Metlife Care Mixed Pairs - 2x4x2 – am only December 27th
Metlife Care Mixed Pairs - 3 x 3 bowl - pm only December 27th
Ladies Marj Howell Pairs (Drawn) January 4th 2009.
Thanks, well that is about it for this update.
A message from Doug
By now you will have received the information letter and details of the Taranaki Savings Bank promotional offer for our members. I would encourage you to consider opening an account if you are in a position to do so, as the TSB have been long time supporters of bowls in Taranaki and hope to raise their profile here in the Manawatu.
As well as the competitive rates offered, there is both a Bowling Pack for those opening an account as well as a $75 payment to the club. A win win situation!.
Please remind your buddies of this offer next tine you see or talk to them.
I hope to have the TSB Branch Manager, Graham Clarke at the club next Friday evening to answer any questions you may have regarding this offer or any thing related to investments or banking. I will confirm this in a day or two.
Good investing and good bowling. Good luck to all of the Inter–Club teams Saturday and the club championship players on Sunday.
Interclub Results.
Please could one person from each team email Sue with the results from each interclub day, we all like to keep up to date with how each team is going. I will post the results every Saturday night after Bowls so please a quick email to me with your team, division and results. Good luck.
24 Nov 2008
Notice - 24 Nov 08
It is with sadness that I write to advise you that Bill Burns passed away Sunday. Our sincere sympathy and condolences to Jan and family at this difficult time.
Bill’s funeral is to be held on Wednesday at 2:00pm at the Beauchamp Chapel 167 J.F. Kennedy Drive.
Doug Hayward
22 Nov 2008
Results - 22 Nov 08
A fantastic Day for bowling! Sun, just a little wind, perfect greens, & best of all great company!
The format was 3 bowl pairs, with the last round being played in reverse order.
1st Dave S & Julia Martin 3 w 14 E
2nd Harold & Jean G 2W 15 E
3rd Tex Morton & Val Kennedy 2W 14E
Well Done.
Centre MiLife 2x4x2 Sat
Qualifying Rounds were held finally after being rained out labour weekend. Each team playing had to win 2 out of 3 games. There were plenty of Northern teams entered, so it was inevitable that Northern had to play each other so the games were tough. There were some really great heads and fabulous shots played. As the day went on the greens got quieter and quieter but never silent.
Northern Qualifiers
Julie & Skog, Scruff & Lynlea, Jim & Sue M, Ramon & Sue W, Peter L & Viv, Anne & Cliff, Des & Chris. Well Done and goodluck for Sunday knockout.
21 Nov 2008
Results - 21 Nov 08
6 of our club members received an invitation to play in this tournament held at the Julia Wallace Retirement Village. They had a great day out.
1st Noeleen, Lyndsay, Bill K & Nancey B
2nd Nita, Noel H and two Village residents.
Well done.
Takaro Classic 5s
Several Northern teams entered the classic. Perfect weather, very little wind, good greens....
1st Terry, Colin, Viv, Carol & Marlene
Well done.
6 Markers required
We will need to supply 6 markers, men or women, for the interclub, first round being held next weekend. If you are not playing what a great way to watch some great bowls and be a part of it! Your duties would include keeping the score, straightening the jack at the start of each end, answering questions that the players might ask of you, marking touchers etc. If you are interested please put your name up on the board. Thanks heaps.
Notices - 21 Nov 08
The first night was an absolute pearler! Great weather, good turnout and fantastic greens, what more could we ask for? I hear even those with the narrower style bowls had to take some green.
Part 2 of this will be played on the 4th of Dec.
Roll up - Sat 22 Nov 08
There will be a rollup for those not playing in the Centre 2x4x2 being held at the club. Please get your names in by 12.30pm for a 1pm start. You may wear mufti and there will be a $1.00 entry. See you there!
Sunday 23 Nov 08 - Mens 10 yr & under pairs - tentitive
We are still hopeful about getting the mens 10 year and under pairs under way on Sunday subject to availability of those who are also in the Centre 2 x 4 x 2 mixed tournament.
Saturday 29 November 08
Sorry but there will be no rollup on the 29th as the cente have requested 3 greens for the Interclub. But if you wish to support some of the club teams you will be most welcome to come along and watch. At this stage I think the Division 1 mens and womens will be at northern, but this is unconfirmed at this stage. watch this space for more info will post as it comes to hand.
Sunday 30 Nov 08 - Snr mens singles - Snr Ladies 4s
John will be running both the Senior mens singles and the Ladies Senior 4s. There will be 2 greens of men playing singles so markers are required. Please pass on your name to John or put your name on the board if you are able to help out even if it is for just the morning or the afternoon it would be much appreciated.
Thursday 18th Dec 08 - Ladies visit to Levin
Ladies Visit to the Levin Club. Noeleen is going to look after this event and will be putting up a list for you to put your names on in the Ladies section. The plan is to leave from our club around 8.30am or so but check the board for actual details. If you could indicate if you are prepared to provide transport on the day it would be appreciated. Any more questions about this event then please see Noeleen.
Sunday 14 Dec 08 - Christmas tournament
we are currently working on the Christmas Tournament, Kevin Cowan’s Christmas shout on the 14th of December so mark this day in your diary and keep it free so you can join in.
18 Nov 2008
Notices - 18 Nov 08
Part one of the two evening twilight event. It is definitely going to happen and the weather forecast for the first night is good. This is a 5.30pm start and 2 games each night.
$5 entry each or $10 for the Team.
Mufti and any gender accepted.
Format is 3 bowl pairs.
There is room for more teams so please get your names in before Wednesday.
See you there.
Sat 22 & Sun 23 Nov
There will be no organised roll up this weekend due to the Centre Mixed 2 x 4 x 2 tournament. John hopes to be able to start the men’s 10 year and under pairs on the Sunday, subject to availability of players. We are still looking to finding one more team for this event to eliminate the bye. So any under 10 yr men who are not in a team contact John.
Help Needed!
Laurie Izod is looking for willing people to help organise, get sponsorship etc for the Hospice tournament later on in the season. If you could help out give Laurie a ring, his number is in the club book, and pass on your phone number and details. Many hands make light work. In the past this has been a very successful day, please make it successful again this season.
Thanks heaps..
16 Nov 2008
Results - Bowls Napier Classic
15 Nov 2008
Results - 15 Nov 08
The final was played between Joy & Elaine and Chris & Lynlea. Chris and Lynlea won for the second year in a row with a convincing win earning the right to play in the Champion on Champions later on in the season. Well done girls.
Ladies 10 yr & under Singles
Chris played Sue & Kay played Pat. Both games were cliff hangers. Sue and Pat went on the play the final in another close match but it was Sue who managed to win the club title.
Club Roll-up
The format of play was a bit different with ends won being what counted at the end of the day. 3 games were played with almost a full green. Murray and Tom Price managed to win out-right with 20 ends. 3 teams were on 18 ends so a bowl off was held with the bowl closest to the jack being the winner. Noel and Bernie, a new player, managed to draw the closest bowl winning the 2nd prize. Melva & Jean and Alan & Laurie I were the other 2 teams with 18 ends.
13 Nov 2008
Notices - 13 Nov 08
Ladies 10yr and under pairs Final
This will be played in the morning. Chris & Lynlea will be playing Joy & Elaine. Good luck to both teams.
Ladies 10yr and under singles
The semi final and final will be played after the pairs.
Club Roll-up
Names in by 12.30pm start 1.00pm. Entry fee $1 ea. The weather for the weekend is looking very promising so get your name in.
10 Nov 2008
Results - Ladies Gala Day 10 Nov 08
Another great day with enough cloud cover to stop the sunburn and glare, no wind in the morning and a small breeze in the afternoon just to make things interesting. 24 teams turned up to play for the Julia Wallace Triples. Thanks to Michael the greens were beautiful as usual.
Some of our lovely gentlemen worked in the kitchen all day to provide tea, coffee and afternoon tea. Thanks guys!
A big thank you also to those who donated things for the sales tables and raffles, thanks to Nancy for sorting them out. There was a great variety and they all went home at the end of the day with someone who appreciated winning it. Thanks to those who organised the day, did the draws, and everyone who helped out in any way.
Green 1 winners Viv, Nancy and Joy, our Northern girls. 4 wins
Green 1 2nd Shirley Price, Meryl and Dawn, Hokowhitu. 4 wins
Green 2 winners Pat Cohr, Nancy Mead and Marilyn Free, Palmerston North. 4 wins
Green 2 2nd Bev, Sheryn and Hine, Terrace End. 3 wins & lots of ends.
Both Joan and Carols teams also managed 4 wins on green 1 but just missed out getting in the top 2 on ends. Well done.
Thanks for a great day everyone.
9 Nov 2008
Results - Sun 9 Nov 08
We couldn't have asked for a better day, sun shining, no wind and beautiful greens.
The Mens event is now down to the final four. Tom and Ramon are our only remaining mens team still in. Well done on getting this far guys. Good luck for the semi-finals.
After having 8 Northern teams qualify it was like a club roll up with northern Playing Northern all day. The final four teams were Feona & Desire they had to play Chris & Lynlea. And two Terrace End teams had to play off to get into the final. On the day it was Chris & Lynlea who manged to get the Northern spot and they will play Sherin Blake and Fran from Terrace End in the Final. We wish you the best of luck Lynlea & Chris. Maybe this year!
Club 10 year and under singles
Four turned up for the afternoon in near perfect conditions. A bit of a novilty playing with no wind! The final was played between Harold and Bill A. Harold managed to take the game, well done Harold. Good Luck in the Champion of Champions later in the season.
Team of the Year awards
This is being held on Friday 14 Nov at the Awapuni Function Centre. Good luck to the Division 2 Interclub winners.
8 Nov 2008
Results - 8 Nov 08
A good turn out of 36 started in the lovely sunshine. The greens ran well for most and after 2 games there were 3 teams on 2 wins. several on 0!
Winnners were Joan, Nancy and Elaine
2nd Ramon, Carol and Bill K
3rd Noel H, Mae and Tex
Well done to all the teams who won and thanks for all the other teams. It was great to see the smiling faces and everyone enjoying the sun.
Community Trust Triples
One men's team managed to make it through to the semi finals. Well done to Tom, Scruff and Barry. Good luck for the next round. They play Hokowhitu next with Terrace End playing Te Kawa. Good luck to our Northern Team.
2 ladies teams went into the semi finals. Sharon Feona & Desire didn't manage to hold off the Terrace End team and got runner up. Anna, Cinty and Julianne got 3=. Well done girls.
Sunday 9 Nov
Mens 10 yr & under Singles
The semi finals of the Club mens 10 yr and under singles starts at Northern 1pm. Martin plays Bill A and Bob N plays Harold. Good luck to you all. Will post the results tomorrow.
Community Trust Pairs
The men are playing at Hokowhitu and the ladies at Terrace End. If you want to watch some great bowls and support club members pop off down to one of these clubs and give some support to your fellow club members. Good luck to all the teams playing. Results will be posted tomorrow after play.
5 Nov 2008
Notices 5 Nov 08
Monday The 10th of Nov - Ladies Gala Day.
Sponsored by Julia Wallace Retirement Village.
We are seeking contributions towards the raffles and sales table. Donations of groceries, baking, flower plants,& veggies would be welcome and appreciated. Please put your donations in the ladies locker room in either 90 or 38. Could you please bring down your contribution before the weekend so that they can be prepared for the day.
I am sure you will all have a great day. Thanks.
Sunday the 9th - Men’s 10 year Singles
Starting at 1pm it is intended to have the Semi final then the Final of the Men’s 10 year and under singles played. If you are not still in the CT Pairs and/or not otherwise engaged, why don’t you pop down to the Club and support the players? I am sure you will see some top bowls.
2 Nov 2008
Results 1 & 2 Nov 08
Centre Community Trust Triples
Yet again a great turnout of Northern teams in this Centre event. Wind and rain hampered the players but most held up with many quailfying for the next round.
Teams to Qualify for the next round to be held Saturday 8 Nov.
Mens teams
Tom Palmer, Scruff & Barry
Doug, John P & Harold
Peter Lambert, Terry & Steven
Grant, Des and Wayne
Ladies teams
Sharon, Feona & Desire
Anne, Marion & Elaine
Anna, Cinty & Julianne
Chris, Julie & Lynlea
Judy, Sandra & Pat
Well done to those teams who qualified.
Club Roll up Sat 1 Nov
14 hardy players turned up for an afternoon roll up in slightly less than pleasant conditions but the rain held off and bowls were played between the usual Palmerston North gusts of wind.
Four players ended up being equal all won 2 games and 12 ends.
Well done to Ramon, Noel H, Don J and Joy!
Sunday 2 November
Centre Community Trust Pairs
The sun was finally shining, well it was Sunday.... the greens played well and yet agian a great turnout of Northern players entered in this event.
8 Ladies teams entered and although all had to meet at least one Northern team, all teams managed to qualify for the next round to be played Sunday 9 Nov. Great club spirit was shown to help the last team on the green win their game. Thanks girls!
Ladies teams to qualify
Anna & Sue M
Viv & Noeleen
Judy & Nita
Carol & Jacinta
Anne & Pat
Feona & Desire
Sue W & Julianne
Chris & Lynlea
Mens teams to qualify
Grant & Des
Brian & Peter D
Doug & Colin
Tom & Ramon
Scruff & Ray L
Jim & Cliff
Peter L & Steven
A Great weekend for the club! Keep up the great bowls! The selectors are watching for the Inter-Club teams!
Sat 8 Nov - Steve's Bulk Barn roll-up
Names on the board please.
Start 1pm names in by 12.30pm
There are quite a few names on the board already so if you didn't qualify for the knockout round of the community Trust triples put your name in.
Up and Coming.
Monday 10 Nov - Ladies Gala Day
Sponsored by Julia Wallace Retirement Village
We are asking for donations of groceries and things for the stall. Please put any donations in the ladies locker room either in 90 or 38. Lets make this a great day.
31 Oct 2008
Northern News - 31 Oct 08
Well the season is really in full swing with a very busy 2 months between now and Christmas. Recently we hosted Paraparaumu for our yearly challenge fixture and once again we were successful in winning the $1000 prize.
Well done to all who played so well, or who helped in any way to make this a memorable day.
Special thanks to Carol and her crew in the kitchen, and to Mike for the magnificent state of the greens.
The Board are currently in negotiations with the Taranaki Savings Bank regarding possible sponsorship and an offer to club members who open new accounts which will benefit both you and the club. More details shortly.
Thanks buddies for spreading the news – you are all helping to ensure that our members are kept as fully informed as possible.
Good bowling
Match Committee
This coming weekend sees the start of the Community Trust Triples and Pairs.
For those not taking part, there will be a roll up on Saturday at the club commencing at 1pm. Dave Smith has offered to organise this and he will advise the format and the entry fee on the day. It will probably be something like a $1 in and the pool will be paid out to the participants on the day. Please come along and keep Dave company. Names in by 12.30pm please.
Steve's Bulk Barn - Inhouse- 8 Nov
On November the 8th we have scheduled Steve's Bulk Barn – In House event beginning at 1.00pm. This will be either Pairs or Triples depending on the numbers and there will be a $5 entry fee each. Names in by noon please.
Julia Wallace Retirement Village Ladies Gala Day - 10 Nov
On Monday the 10th of November there is the Julia Wallace Retirement Village Ladies Gala Day Triples beginning at 9.30am. Ladies, get your names in for this tournament.
Twilight Tournaments - 20 Nov & 4 Dec
This season we are attempting to organise a couple of twilight tournaments. The hope is to run each one over two nights, consisting of two games a night starting at 5.30pm and ending around 7.30pm.
The first of these is scheduled for Thursday the 20th of November with the second night being on Thursday the 4th of December.
The format will be any gender pairs and the entry fee will be only $5 each. See the entry form on the Notice Board for more information. Teams in by Wednesday the 19th, 5pm please.
If you are having trouble finding a partner then put your name on the list on the board as being available so we can match you up with someone if possible.
The National Mixed Pairs 2x4x2
The Event scheduled for Labour Weekend was eventually cancelled because of the weather. This Event has been rescheduled to be held on the 22nd and 23rd of November.
The Harris Meats In House roll up on the 22nd will have to be rescheduled to another date - to be advised.
The 23rd is currently in the program as a Club Championship reserve day. This may be affected by the Centre event and I am planning to use this day for the 10 year and under men’s Singles and Pairs which will not have been able to be run on the 15th and 16th of November as scheduled due to 3 of the participants being selected to represent the Centre in the Arnott & Duckett in New Plymouth on those days. Congratulations to Cliff, Harold and Martin as well as to Grant, Tom, Keith, Stephen and Ray for their selections in these rep teams.
The Ladies 10 year and under are not affected. Keep a watch on the notice board as it may be possible to fit in a Club roll up on the 15th for those of us who are left.
Club Champs.
Entries are on the notice board for the Ladies Senior Fours and the Men’s Senior Singles. Ladies, get your teams together and Men, put your names on the board. The more the merrier!
Interclub starts on the 29th so it is going to be a busy month of bowls.
27 Oct 2008
Results -Sun 27 Oct 08
Finally the rain stopped long enough for some of the braver bowlers to venture out on the green. 3 bowl pairs were the flavour, keeping warm and out of the wind was also on the menu.
Winners Des and Chris
2nd Terry and Anna
3rd Doug and John Procter.
Well done to all the teams who entered and braved the wind and cold conditions.
Thanks also to Steve's Bulk Bin our sponsors.
Next weekend
The community Trust ladies and mens Pairs and Triples get underway.
CT Triples on Sat 1 Nov.
CT Pairs on Sun 2 Nov.
Draws should be out this week.
Click here for Paraparaumu Vs Northern Photos
24 Oct 2008
Sports team of the year Finalists
Warmest congratulations to our Women’s second division interclub team (winners of the NZ title last season) for making the finals of the Manawatu Sports Team of the Year. Well done to
19 Oct 2008
Results 19 Oct 08
The qualifying round was played. Windy as usual... But the sun was shining most of the day. Chris Quinn and Lynlea Rodgers, Joy Pearce and Elaine McQuarters Qualified. They will go on to play the final.
Grandmas Roast club roll-up
A good number turned out to play for Grandmas roast.
The winners were Terry J, Tex, Maurice A. 3 wins.
Second went to Murray W, Jean Grant and Val K. 2 wins 21 ends.
Third was Viv, Peter D and Jan Bailey. 2 wins 20 ends.
Great to see everyone on the greens..
Next weekend
The club is hosting the National Mixed Pairs 2x4x2. 9.00am Start. Come down to the club and watch a few games. There are quite a few teams entered from Northern. Good luck to you all.
Labour Day - Mon 27 October
Steve's Bulk Bin Open 3 bowl pairs
Start 10.00am.
Entry on the board.
18 Oct 2008
Paraparaumu Vs Northern 18 Oct 08
The usual Palmerston north wind playing havoc with the bowls but some great shots were witnessed.
First round: Northern ladies won 2 Paraparaumu won 4. Northern men won 8 Paraparaumu won 1
A great lunch was put on by the ladies in the kitchen then out to bowl the second round. Teams changed again and play got underway.
Second round: Northern ladies won 2 Paraparaumu won 4. Northern men won 4 Paraparaumu men 5.
Third round: Northern ladies won 1 Paraparaumu ladies won 3. Northern men won 7 Paraparaumu men won 2
Dave Smith was kept busy recording and umpiring, a great job, thanks Dave.
Over all Northern came out on top, 24 games to 19. Well done Northern. Thanks to Strategic Finance for sponsoring the tournament.
If you would like to view the album please click on the picture above.
16 Oct 2008
Northern News 15 Oct 08
Last weekend 30 of our members enjoyed a great trip to Napier where we were well looked after by the Bowls Napier folk. Thanks to Skog and his team for arranging and organising this trip. Although the results didn’t count for a great deal it is pleasing to report that Northern were comprehensive winners. We look forward to their return visit next season.
Paraparaumu Visit.
We look forward to hosting our Kapiti Coast visitors this coming Saturday and ask that the Northern players be at the club by 8:30am to greet them. The first game is scheduled to kick off at 9:15am with lunch at approx 11:45am
Sunday 19th October tournament
this tournament which will begin at 1:00pm is sponsored by Steve’s Bulk Barn and offers very generous prizes - $180 of vouchers to the winning team (drawn triples), $120 for 2nd and $60 for third. Names in please by 12:30 Sunday.
This is advance notice of what should be the highlight of our tournaments for this season. Paul Darbyshire has arranged a very generous sponsorship deal for this 3 day open (any gender) triples tournament with prize money to the value of $8000. Well done Paul. This will be a very sought after tournament so keep your eyes open for entry details and sign up etc
A coaching session (or sessions) for new bowlers, or for those seeking some extra help is currently being organised and you will be advised of the date in due course.
Wednesday Aggregate
This began yesterday with a very pleasing turnout of 37 players. This is a regular weekly event – names in by 12:30 please.
Good Bowling
12 Oct 2008
Results -11 & 12 Oct 08
With 30 members away in Napier for the weekend we still had a roll up at the club on Saturday 11th and had a great turn up of 28 members. Each player put in $1 each and 2 games of pairs were played with leads swapping around for the second game.
Napier Visit.
With a quick text I found out the team who traveled to Napier won!
Well done to all those who traveled and played. I am sure you all had a great time.
Next weekend
Paraparumu visit on Sat 18th.
Names for those selected to play are up on the board. For those not playing, come down to the club, give a hand, and support the players. It promises to be a great day.
Grandma's Roast Sun 19th Oct
Please put your names up on the board to play in this inhouse drawn triples. Lets fill the greens! If the weather is anything like it was this weekend it should be great for bowling.
6 Oct 2008
Upcoming, 8 -19 October 2008
Start 1.15 pm
Names on the board by 12.30 please
Friday 10 Oct - Entries for Community trust Triples and Pairs.
Please get these into Chris with payment.
Sat 11 & Sun 12 Oct - Visit to Bowls Napier
The Transport will leave the Club at 7.45 am.
$100 ea.
For those who have been selected to play take your bowling gear, whites and any other stuff you may require.. Don't forget a full set of bowls!
Sat 11 Oct - Club Roll-up
For those not traveling to Napier there is a club rollup organised. Names in by 12.30pm start 1.00pm
Wednesday 15th Midweek Aggregate
Start 1.15 pm
Names on the board by 12.30 please
Saturday 18th Oct - Bi series Vs Paraparaumu @ Northern
For those who are not selected some help may be required in the kitchen and behind the bar.
For those selected to play, we won it last year lets keep the trophy this year.
Sunday 19th Oct - 10yr and Under Reserve Day
Sunday 19th Oct - Grandma's Roast Drawn Triples
Names up on Board please.
10.00am Start
Air NZ Cup Rugby Competition
In the end it was Cossie who came out on top!
The final results.
First Ray Costello
Second equal Pat Baker and Bill Anderson.
Thanks to Tom Palmer. Here are the certificates..

5 Oct 2008
Results - Sun 5 Oct 08
The rain got the better of the first day of qualifying. Snorkels and flippers would have been needed to play on the water covered greens..
Next Saturday 11 October
A club roll-up is planned for those not traveling to Napier.
An entry form is on the board.
Names in by 12.30pm Saturday.
Start 1.00pm.
Teams will be drawn.
Cost ?
Community Trust Pairs and Triples
Entry forms must be in by Fri 10 Oct with payment. Please pass them on the Chris or drop them in the club office box.
4 Oct 2008
Results Sat 4 Oct 08
It wasn't just the opposition the bowlers had to contend with but the very strong winds. The new club flag managed to hold up to the winds as did the bowlers.
8 men and 8 women competed to qualify for the final knockout rounds that will be played on Sat 15 Nov.
The ladies who qualified for the next round are;
Pat Baker, Kay Hammond, Chris Quinn and Sue Way.
The Men who qualified for the next round are;
Martin Hammond, Bill Anderson, Bob Norris, John Hayes and Harold Bailey.
Thanks to all the markers who braved the winds and helped out for the day. Also thanks to Dave Smith for being the match controller and umpire.
28 Sept 2008
Results Sun 28 Sept 08
20 teams played for the G & G MacKenzie Cups. The clouds parted and let the sun shine through. As the day went on the sun warmed up the players and jackets were taken off. Some great games were played. Several teams went into the last round with three wins. But eventually it was Des Meyer and Carol Davidson who were the victors.
Gwen provided the sausages and Barry and his merry helpers BBQed them. A great way to finish off a great day of bowls.
Thanks very Much to Gwen MacKenzie. A perfect day!

Next weekend.
Sat 4 Oct - 10Yr and Under Men and Ladies Singles - 9.00am Start - Whites.
Sat 4 Oct - Club Rollup names in by noon (on board) - drawn teams - start 1.00pm - entry $2
Sun 5 Oct - 10yr and under Men and Ladies pairs - 9.00am Start - Whites.
If you are able to pop down and help mark we require a few markers singles on Saturday. Drop into the Club and put your name on the board. If you haven't entered be in quick and get your name up on the board, entry's close Friday.
Reminder Center 2x4x2 @ Labour weekend.
If you wish to enter you need to have your entry into Chris Quinn no later than Fri 3 Oct.
27 Sept 2008
Results - Sat 27 Sept 08
22 teams braved the wind and showers to play the Fitzherbert Rowe open pairs. A tough day on the greens with 4 games being played.
1st Tony Turere and Sheryn Blake, Terrace End
2nd Peter Harris and Scott Crawford, Hokowhitu
3rd = Ray Thornton and Neal Kendall
3rd = Tom and Julie Palmer
Centre opening day held at Club Palmerston North
The club sent the team of John Hayes, Doug Hayward, Chris Quinn and Paul Darbyshire to represent Northern for the Centre opening day. They won both games but didn't get quite get enough ends to be in the money. Thanks for representing the club.
21 Sept 2008
Opening Day 20 Sept 2008
The day was sponsored by the club's life members.
1st Dave Smith, Nita Hannah, Nancy Batt and Jan Bailey
2nd Joan Smith, Dave Cross, Tex Morton and Pat Baker
3rd Phil Skogland, Marion Anderson, Sue Way and Jim Whitfield
The special prize went to Doug Haywards team, bad luck for not winning a game but great to see you still had a smile on your face at the end of the day Doug.
Click here for some photos
Sunday 21 September - Herbert Plate
For those who braved a second day of play it was a great day. With the wind playing havoc with the bowls there were still some great shots played. Lots of smiles and some great fun.
3 games of 2 bowl progressive triples were played.
Going into the last game 4 players were sitting in 1st place. The last game left only 2 players with two wins. Well done to Viv Lozell who just held off Harold Bailey by one end to win the Herbert plate.
Next Week
Saturday 27 September 9.30am
Fitzherbert Rowe Open 3x3 Pairs
Any Gender
Entries on the notice board
Sunday 28 September 9.30am
G & G Mixed Pairs
Entries on the notice board.
14 Sept 2008
14 September 2008
The greens were still too wet
Brewers Apprentice 2x4x2, Sunday 14
A great day was had by all. The greens ran exceptionally well for the start of the season a big thank you has to go to Michael for all the hard work over winter. The sun was shining the company great! What more could a bunch of bowlers want? Well done to John Hayes for running the day and organising everything.
The winning team was Doug Hayward and Harold Bailey.
2nd, Sue and Ian Meyer.
3rd,John Procter and Carol Davidson.
Well done everyone.
Thanks for the games, laughs and smiles.
Remember opening day Next Sunday 20th September. Names in for play by 12.30pm, start 1.00pm. Club colours / Whites. If you would like to stay for dinner remember to get your name up on the board at the club rooms by Wednesday 5pm. Don't miss out.
30 Aug 2008
Northern News Aug 29 2008 No 1 2008/09
The Executive Committee members are;
President – Doug Hayward
Vice President – Grant Davis
Club Captain – Tom Palmer
Secretary – Christine Quinn
Treasurer – Dave Smith
Convenor of Match and Fixtures – John Hayes
Convenor of Grounds and Buildings – Bevan Hyde
Convenor of Bar and House Facilities – Des Meyer
Convenor of Marketing and Sponsorship – Paul Darbyshire
The Club Programme Booklet is being printed and should be available to all members by Opening Day. I would like to publish newsletters once a fortnight and ask that if you have any messages, information, requests etc that you would like published then please send to me or leave in locker 130.
I am aware that sometimes club information does not get to every member. Approximately half of our members have e-mail and receive their newsletters and reminders electronically. Hard copies of the newsletters are displayed on the notice boards in the club house and ladies locker room. A suggestion that may help is to ask those of you who have e-mail to be responsible for contacting a ‘buddy’ who doesn’t, and passing on the information from the newsletter. If you are prepared to do this please e-mail me and I will allocate a ‘buddy’ to you. Thanks in anticipation of your response. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on opening day.
Doug Hayward
Match and Fixtures Committee
Upcoming Events.
Pre - Season In House Tournaments
Two separate In House tournaments.
10am start. Pairs – any combination. Mufti.
Entry fee - $10 per player.
Restricted to first 16 entries for each day.
Entry forms on notice board from September 1st.
3 rounds of 15 ends.
No kills – Jack re-spotted on centre line.
Saturday September 13th
In House Open Pairs 3 x 3 - Mufti -10am start
Sunday September 14th
In House Open Pairs 2 x 4 x 2 - Mufti -10am start
Opening Day
Saturday September 20th.
Names in by 12:30pm
Dress - Club Colours/Whites
Games 1pm – 4pm (Approx).
Happy hour drinks 4pm – 5:30pm
Dinner 5:30 – Roast Meal (two meats) plus dessert.
Supplied this year by Grandma’s Roasthouse.
Cost - $16.00
Names for meal required by 5pm Wednesday Sept 17th.
Sign up sheet will be on the noticeboard
Herbert Plate Progressive Open
Sunday September 21st.
Herbert Plate Names in by 12:00pm.
Dress - Mufti
Games 12.30pm – 4.30pm (Approx).
Napier Club Challenge at Napier
11th and 12th Of October.
Entry forms on the notice board from September 5th with finalised arrangements regarding transport, Accommodation and costs.
(The approximate cost is expected to be about $100 per person.)
Be in quick as numbers could be limited by bus seats.
If over subscribed then selection will be in the order entries received.
4 Aug 2008
Pre Season Social Get Together
Date – Saturday August 16
Ten Pin Bowling 4:30pm
Dinner at 6:30pm
What’s Planned ? – 10 pin bowling at Bowlarama (Cuba Street) followed by dinner at the China Town restaurant in Cuba Street.
How Much?
Bowlerama is $10 per player (bar will be open if you want to watch but not play)
China Town is $21.95 per head with a $3.00 corkage charge for BYO.
How do I book in for this?
A sign up sheet is on the white-board in the club house – or confirm with Christine Quinn or any member of the Board. Names in by Monday 11th please.
Don’t miss out on this fun afternoon and evening.
A great chance to catch up with club members.
Opening Day
a reminder that opening day this year is Saturday September 20 - more details to come
22 Apr 2008
Northern News 21 April 2008 No 13 2007-08
This will be the final newsletter for this season. A very big thank you to all who have worked in some way or another for the club during this year – without your enthusiasm, energy and time we would not have a well functioning and positive club! A special thank you to the members of the Executive Committee who all work so hard on your behalf.
The Inter-Club and Inter-Centre tournaments held recently over 4 days were a great success both on and off the greens. Our club received many plaudits and positive comments regarding the state of our greens and grounds, the general organisation and preparation that was undertaken, the quality of the meals, and the positive, friendly and helpful members of Northern. Many thanks to all who helped in whatever capacity during this time. You certainly helped to leave a very good impression of our club as successful hosts. Well done.
Congratulations to our latest champions; the ladies 2nd division Inter-Club team of Chrissie, Lynlea,, Jacinta, Sue Way, Julianne, Sue Meyer and Sandra; and to Grant and Stephen for their successful defence as members of the Manawatu Development Inter-Centre team.
Closing Weekend
This coming weekend is our closing weekend with events scheduled for both days. On Saturday there is the G and G Mackenzie Mixed Pairs – have you got your entry in yet??
Sunday will see the final day of the Carpet Court Pairs. Please wear Whites as this is the official Closing Day tournament. The day’s play will be followed by a meal and then the presentation of Trophies and Awards.
Dinner – You must sign up for the Sunday dinner (roast pork) - $10 for club members and $15 for visitors and friends. A sign up sheet is on the notice-board, with a closing time of 5:00pm this Wednesday (April 23)
Jewellery Following Housie this coming Friday night (April 25), Chris Quinn has invited a jewellery sales representative to the clubrooms to display a selection of fine jewellery for viewing and purchasing.
Doug Hayward
Club President
19 Apr 2008
Latest News, April 2008
Firstly Congrats to those players who performed so successfully in the NZ Inter-Club and Inter-Centre Finals.
Development Men Defend National Title
11 Apr 2008
Ladies Win Interclub Final
Another great day for Northern. The team of Julianne Mills, Sandra Simpson, Sue Meyer, Lynlea Rodgers, Sue Way, Jacinta Cousins and Chris Quinn pulled off a nail bitting win at the National Finals of the Division 2 Interclub. Julianne played steady singles both days. The pair of Sandra and Sue Meyer had some tough matches, and the fours team of Chris(skip) Jacinta, Sue Way and Lynlea started off very slowly but manged to pick up a good win on Friday morning to make up for the the day before. Joy Pearce was the manager and did a great job of keeping the team informed and topped up with supplies. Phil Skogland the coach spent many days with the team out on the greens leading up to the finals.
Sandra came into the team after Melva was unable to attend the Finals.
Congratulations Girls!
31 Mar 2008
Finals Day Sunday 30 March
Champion of Champion Pairs.
Peter and Stephen Won the Final of the Senior Mens.
Feona and Desiree won the Final of the Senior womens.
Kent and Harold won the Final of the Intermediate mens.
Chris and Lynlea won the Final of the 10 year and under womens.
Champion of Champion Triples.
Terry, Phillip and Colin won the Senior Men.
Viv, Joan and Marlene Won the Senior women.
Our Mens Senior fours team also managed to make it to the final but missed out on the extra end. A great game to watch and for those of us watching we now have to grow our finger nails.. great try guys.
A fantastic day even if it did rain. A tremendous effort and congratulations to all those who won Centre titles.
These add to the tiles won earlier in the singles With Feona winning the Senior women, Harold winning the Intermediate Men and Keith Hughes the mens Colts.
A great season!
Well done and the best of luck to those playing in the National Interclub Finals and the Intercentre finals. Don't forget to come along to the club and support those playing. The interclub finals are being played on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th April and the intercentre on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th April.
28 Mar 2008
Northern News - 26 March 2008 - No 12 2007-08
As we get closer to the end of the season there are still many activities and tournaments to look forward to, and activities both on and off the greens to celebrate.
Northern will have two teams competing in the NZ interclub finals –Men’s and Ladies Division 2. Congratulations to these finalists and all the very best to Terry, Grant, Tom Palmer, Keith, Doug, Jim and Wayne, and to Julianne, Sue Meyer,
The Manawatu Men’s development team will be playing in the finals at Palmerston North Club on Sat and Sunday (April 12 and 13) and we wish Grant and Stephen all the best. Northern will be hosting teams in the senior inter-centre competition..
Carpet Court Pairs - Important Change of date
17 Feb 2008
Upcoming Events, February
Wednesday 20 Feb -TeRaki Cup @ Takaro - 5.30pm
Thursday 21 Feb - Mens Open Triples - 9.30am start
Saturday 23 Feb - Mens Triples -Post selection Play 9.00am
Saturday 23 Feb - Ladies Senior Triples - Section Play
Sat or Sun -Ladies 10yr and under singles - post selection play - day to be confirmed
Sunday 24 Feb - Ladies Senior Triples - Post selection
Tuesday 26 Feb - Ladies Interclub practice 5.00pm
Saturday 15 March - Mixed 10 yr & Under progressive
Carpet Court 2x4x2, 17 Feb 2008
15 Feb 2008
Northern News 14 February No 11 2007 – 08
It has been with great pride that we have followed the exploits of some of our club members in their various quests for national and international honours. Warmest congratulations to Russell Meyer for his outstanding achievements in winning the National men’s singles, followed two weeks later with golden success in the World Pairs and Fours. A fantastic effort Russell.
Warmest congratulations also to Sharon Sims for winning bronze in the World triples. Sharon has announced her retirement from International Bowls after a wonderful career which has seen her win at the highest level. She is the only woman bowler to have won 3 world titles and she also has a Commonwealth gold amongst her many trophies. International bowls loss is our gain as Sharon has said that she wants to spend more time playing at Northern. Welcome home!
Congratulations also to Desiree Lambert and Feona Sayles who finished 3rd equal in the National Women’s pairs. Desiree has also had success at an International meeting in England where both her and Terry Johnson played as a result of their successes on the PBA circuit in NZ. Well done to you all. Well done also to all club members who have entered and played in the various club, centre and regional events and tournaments throughout the season. Your participation and enthusiasm is what keeps the game alive.
Forthcoming Events and Tournaments
A list of forthcoming events has been made on the board in the clubrooms. Please check to ensure that you have entered those events that you wish to play in. More entries are required for the Men’s Triples to be played at Northern next Thursday (Feb 21), and the Hospice tournament on March 8. Hospice If you have any items suitable for the auction to be held on Hospice day please bring them to the club and advise Laurie Izod who is the coordinator for Hospice this year. See Laurie also if you would be prepared to assist him and his team with any of the multitude of jobs that need attending to during the day.
Donated Books
Thanks to Roy McKenna for his donation to the club of a number of books about bowls and bowlers. These are available on loan to any club members; please let a committee member know if you wish to borrow them. They are at present in the trophy cabinet. If you wish to add to this collection the club would be very grateful.
A very busy six days is coming up from Thursday Feb 28 through to Tuesday March 4 with our greens being used for the Community Trust Zone Triples and Fours finals (Thurs and Friday) and the Interclub and Intercentre Zone finals (Sat and Sunday). We will require a lot of help from club members during this time and hope that you will be available to assist with one or more of the many jobs that will need doing (marking, setting up the greens, helping in the kitchen etc)
Thank you in anticipation of your support and assistance.
Doug Hayward